Economic influence in the tourism sector over the last 3 years

Catalonia closed 2019 with a record 19.3 million of foreign visitors, that is, 0.8% more than in 2018, this means that we are consolidating a more efficient and competitive tourism model. Tourism represents 12% of Catalonia’s GDP. Catalonia is the number one tourist destination in Spain when it comes to foreign tourism, closely followed by the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and Andalusia. Finally, we can state that Catalonia has seen how in the last 3 years the number of foreign tourists has had a lower growth rate year after year.

  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Bona explicació👍

  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. Jordi RubioJordi Rubio says:

    Aquest comentari va dirigit a tots els agents d’onze.Moltes,moltes gràcies pel vostre esforç ,dedicació i sobretot autenticitat .No defalliu i ànims !!!!

    • Mireia Sitjà López says:

      Hola Jordi moltes gràcies per al teu comentari, així ho sentim i et convidem que poguis gaudir de tot el que hi ha a la Plaça. Salut!!!

      4 years ago
  4. Pilar Oltra ViguerasPilar Oltra Vigueras says:

    Tenim una terra preciosa, gràcies Mireia!

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