Marc Lesan is a kid who wears a tracksuit and who has made a place for himself in the Catalan communication scene by working hard and producing hilarious contents that stand out for their lucid and strangely mature look. He is 21 years old and has got his first stable contract working in Rac105. Will he be able to leave his parents’ house? Will he have anything left after the Treasury? Will he move from Barcelona to Benidorm? She talks about money, future, housing and youth in this chapter of Pasta Z with the comedian Guillem Estadella.
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El jovent ha de poder fer el que desitgi i tenir oportunitats per poder agafar experiències. I nosaltres hem de ser capaços de fer que sigui fàcil i no posar entrebancs. Clar, com diuen, potser alguns que no treballen deixaran de cobrar.
Moltes gràcies pel teu argument, Pere. Bona nit i veiem per la Plaça!
Molt divertida
Gràcies pel teu comentari Manuel!
Entrevista fresca i divertida
Del tot Alícia, engresca a continuar. Gràcies.
Molt divertit
Sí que ho és. Gràcies, Daniela!