Series you can’t miss this summer
We propose six titles that will accompany you this summer and will allow you to get to know and experience new realities without leaving the sofa. Six stories that transport us and make us dream, make us uncomfortable and prompt us to be critical of society, but without losing hope.
- Wild Wild Country (Netflix)
In the early 1980s, the Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) arrived in the small town of Wasco County, in the United States, to build the Rajneeshpuram community. Hundreds of people followed in his footsteps. A true story, with images and real witnesses, that illustrates the rise and fall of this wild sect based on free love and meditation that changed the life of this town.
- Small axe (Prime video / Movistar+)
“If you are the big tree, We are the small axe, Sharpened to cut you down”. With this song by Bob Marley, filmmaker Steve McQueen gives name to this story about the racial violence of the Afro-Caribbean community in the UK in the 1960s. Courage and struggle against social and institutional oppression, told through five chapters with five different stories that will not leave you indifferent.
- It’s a sin (HBO)
The 80s and 90s were the dark ages of the HIV crisis. The series is set in this context to describe how the situation was experienced through the eyes of a group of young people. Vitality, freedom and naivety. The 1980s were seen as the era of change, of neocapitalism, of the arrival of new music, of new freedoms, but did society advance at the same pace? The irruption of the disease and the global upheaval it provoked also led to an increase in homophobia. A view that is still relevant today, in a world where neither the disease nor the stigma has yet been eradicated.
- The Underground Railroad (Prime Video)
The small screen welcomes the adaptation of Colson Whitehead’s novel in this historical drama about the struggle against slavery. In the 19th century, a railway is created to help slaves escape and lead them to freedom by taking them to safety. A tough story but a fascinating tale.
- When they see us
Five young men convicted of a rape they did not commit. A true story that shocked American public opinion and that is now explained to the whole world through this harsh but necessary series. Police frame-ups, social pressure, lies and the need to solve the case immediately, regardless of the evidence. Since its premiere in 2019 it has positioned itself as one of Netflix’s critically acclaimed gems.
- Years and years (HBO / Movistar+)
Describes a new reality in the UK, practically anticipating future scenarios. A world unsteadily subject to political, social and technological changes that will make the lives of the protagonists evolve towards very different positions. Six chapters narrate the life of the Lyons family over the course of fifteen years in which the viewer will feel identified and will observe, uncomfortably, possible scenarios that we could all live through, in pure Black Mirror style.
And for you, what are this summer’s best series?
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Bones totes, afegeixo Wanderlust a Netflix d1 temporada, original de la BBC. Quan l’esperit viatger sexual interromp en un matrimoni estable de molts anys, i com ho resolen…
Sona interessant. Gràcies Laura, en prenem nota.