To be a good investor, learn the 5D trick
With rampant inflation and a crisis that seems to emerge, it is essential to know how to move the money we have saved in order to make the most of it. But how do you do it? What’s the trick to investing wisely? One of the keys is diversification.
After all, diversifying your savings means not putting all your eggs in one basket. But what are these five baskets? Where should I put my eggs? Although a large part of our money is probably well saved in a savings account, it is interesting that some of it is spread across different financial products. This will allow us to diversify our investments and, with patience, obtain a better return on our savings. If you are a beginner investor, take note!
- Temporal diversification. It is important to invest in different products with different durations, i.e. short, medium and long term at the same time. This diversification over time should allow us to take profits at different points in time.
- Diversification between securities. Once we have established the time horizon of our investments, we need to analyse well what we are investing in. Diversifying between securities therefore involves investing in different types of products: shares, investment bonds, ETF packages, etc. In short, investing in a little bit of everything, so that the risk is lower.
- Geographical and sectoral diversification. In addition, not only should we try to invest in a varied way and with different terms, but we should also try to invest in different geographical areas and sectors. Try to invest around the world, because if you do, you will get better results – don’t just stay in your own territory!
- Diversification by growth potential. In addition to investing in geographical areas and sectors that are already consolidated, try to allocate part of the investment to emerging countries and sectors. In this case, we will be looking for a certain component of volatility, i.e. market fluctuation, which can give us an unexpected profit in the short term.
- Diversification by product type. If up to now we have been talking about shares, bonds or ETF packages, we now add other investment products, of lesser or greater risk, such as savings plans, retirement plans, fixed assets such as housing, precious metals or cryptocurrencies. This completes the entire investment cycle!
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Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Si volem invertir a llarg plaç podem seguir la recepta del senyor Bogle: Un ETF que repliqui un index global d’accions + un ETF que repliqui un index global de bons, en que el de bons representi un percentatge del total igual a la nostra edat. Amb això estem diversificats al màxim i amb la volatilitat bastant controlada.
Moltes gràcies, Josep, per aquesta fantàstica aportació sobre els ETF. Ens veiem a la Plaça!
Una guia perfecta per apoderar-se a l’hora d’invertir,pregunto si per invertir en metalla preciosos de banda de l’informacio que ja heu explicat,l’ampliareu.
Segurament sí Alícia! Gràcies pel teu comentari
Molt interessant. Ara ens caldrà una bona llista de totes les possibilitats de les 5D per poder fer la tria. Gràcies.
Moltes gràcies, Pere. Cert, el nostre company i agent Jordi Oller s’explica molt bé!
Molt bon artice👍
Moltes gràcies, Manuel!
Molt ben explicat 👏👏
Moltes gràcies, Jesús Manuel. Ens veiem a La Plaça.
Interessant. Ara em cal aprofondir sobretot en la 5D…
La diversificació és la clau. Gràcies per comentar Francesc.
Ok 👍
Moltes gràcies, Josep.