The 11 best Twitch channels in Catalan

Want to discover interesting content on Twitch? We recommend 11 channels in Catalan that you can find on the trendy social network. They have gained popularity by talking to us about all kinds of topics, not just video games.


Twitch is an increasingly relevant social network in the world, and Catalonia is no exception. The spontaneity of live-streaming attracts a growing number of followers. Although video game channels are generally the ones with the largest audiences, there is room for a wide range of content. From 11Onze, we present 11 proposals to enjoy this social network in Catalan.



Norman López is one of the most popular streamers in Catalan, with nearly 10,000 followers. He produces video game content in general, although he focuses mainly on racing simulators. He likes humour and doesn’t shy away from controversy, as he declares himself a fan of Spanish omelette without onions and says he prefers winter to summer.



After a period of inactivity on Twitch, LauzetaFolk have returned with their violin and guitar to offer folk music and good vibes from Lleida to their 7,500 followers. Joan and Núria, a couple of musicians who have been playing together since 2010, joined this social network in March 2020.



Almost 2,000 people follow this paid channel, which focuses mainly on manga, anime and ‘Dragon Ball’. In his live shows, MagoriArt usually draws while he chats with his guests. La noche friki’ features Catalan dubbing actors. For example, Victòria Pagès, who had played the character of Nets in Club Super 3, recently took part.



Jacint Casademont’s channel offers podcasts, talk shows and interviews, with sections such as ‘Terrors nocturns’ to discuss scary topics and ‘Enigmes pendents’ to talk about crimes. It already has 1,400 followers.



Cooking channel where the idea is to have a good time while Ed Caballer prepares food and talks about everything: series, games, current affairs, politics… Cooking is the way for its nearly 1,000 followers to have a good time and learn to defend themselves in front of the cooker. Enjoy!



A Catalan channel about manga, anime and Japanese culture with a stream almost every week. You’ll find talks, interviews, analyses, specials, raffles… More than 900 people already follow it.



The channel of xEikNaga and his friends, which already has more than 700 followers, appeals to the most creative spirits. Models, crafts and various creations for those who like to do it all themselves. There’s a live model-making event on the weekend mornings.



Almost every day, Jaume Fibla, better known as Jau on Twitch, offers “musical numbers with a geeky touch”, as he himself acknowledges, and interviews. His channel includes everything from very free interpretations of songs translated into Catalan to commentaries on culture, cinema and video games. He already has almost 700 followers.



Enric Bautista, who lives in England, escapes from Brexit by playing his acoustic guitar and singing in Catalan. And, from time to time, interviewing a guest. You can enjoy his music and commentaries every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday night. He already has more than 600 followers.



From Monday to Friday, this actor, journalist and scriptwriter wakes up his nearly 500 followers every morning at 8am with the programme ‘Quiquiriquic’. Carles interacts with the audience openly.



The latest news from the world of rallying analysed in Catalan by Nacho Mateo, Eduard Bota, Aitor Domingo, David Rovira and their collaborators. The channel doesn’t slack off and already has more than 400 followers.

Do you know any Twitch channel in Catalan that we shouldn’t miss? Add it in the comments.


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  1. Jaume Fibla i García-BarzanallanaJaume Fibla i García-Barzanallana says:

    Hola, amics, sóc en Jaume Fibla! El meu canal es diu realment: JauFibla i des que vau escriure això la cosa ha canviat una mica, apart de números musicals, (els dimarts a les 9 del vespre) faig cada dia de dilluns a divendres un informatiu matinal amb notícies i efemèrides de 9 a 10 del matí, i els dijous a les 10 de la nit un programa setmana sobre cinema. Em podeu seguir també al canal de youtube JauTV on arxivo tot i també ara estic a ivoox, spotify, i apple podcast si busqueu Jau Fibla. A Twitch ja ens acostem als 1000 seguidors! gràcies per tot!

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Moltes gràcies per la teva informació, Jaume, de ben segur que serà de interès per la Comunitat, i esperem que hi tinguis molta audiència i èxit.

      1 year ago
  2. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:
  3. Tetiana HlebaTetiana Hleba says:
  4. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  5. Xavier MasipXavier Masip says:

    Genial!!! I pel youtube?? Podeu fer el mateix?

  6. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Gràcies per la informació

  7. Jordi RossellJordi Rossell says:

    Si voleu un llistat una mica mes complet podeu tirar d’aquí

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga says:

      Moltes gràcies per la informació Jordi. Sempre són benvingudes les aportacions constructives.

      2 years ago
  8. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

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