How to avoid the post-holiday blues
Getting back into the normal rhythm of life after the holiday period can be complicated and cause intense discomfort. Miriam Frias, financial assistant at 11Onze, gives us some tips on how to face the return to normal working life more easily.
Demotivation, irritability, lack of concentration and general tiredness are some of the symptoms of the physical and emotional alterations that many people experience after the holiday period. The current economic situation, uncertainty and the lack of job satisfaction and motivation that many people suffer, only make it more difficult to make the transition to normality that requires psychological adaptation.
Although the post-holiday blues are not a pathology or an illness like depression, it is an adaptive disorder with symptoms similar to stress, which can negatively affect the quality of life and performance of those who suffer from it. Although it does not usually last more than two or three weeks, we can prevent its onset or alleviate its effects by applying specific techniques and behaviours.
Prevention is better than cure
The best thing we can do to combat post-vacation disorder is to prevent it from happening. Planning the transition back to normality, and avoiding returning from holiday on the very last day to go back to work the following day, will allow us to prepare ourselves physically and mentally for the change of activity. As Frias explains, “it would be a good idea to have at least two or three days to be able to get back to work calmly”.
Taking the return to routine calmly also means enjoying leisure time and doing activities that make us feel better. “Sport, dancing, or any activity you enjoy will make you feel better, as you will secrete endorphins, which will make you more optimistic,” says Frias. Regular hours of rest and thinking about new projects are some of the other tips Frias suggests in the video above.
11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!
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La millor medecina per la síndrome post-vacacional seria perllongar les vacances😉
De ben segur que sí, però molt em sembla a mi que et trobarien a faltar a la feina… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Francesc!!!
A veure si ho aconseguim 😀
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jesús!!!
Gràcies a tu, Joan, per ser-hi i per seguir-nos.
Bons consells.
Celebrem que t’hagi agradat l’article/vídeo, Manel!
Gràcies pels consells👌
Gràcies a tu pels teus comentaris, Jordi!👍🏾