In love with responsible consumption
People who celebrate Valentine’s Day spend an average of 80€. Is it possible to celebrate it with romantic but surprising gifts that do not lose value? That’s what Càrol Rafales, from the 11Onze product team, and Gemma Vallet, director of 11Onze District talk about in a new episode of Territori 17 on Ràdio Cardedeu.
The most common gifts for Valentine’s Day are, according to Gemma Vallet, “chocolates, flowers and jewelry. This year we foresee an increase in jewelry sales”. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of Catholic origin but intensely amplified from the United States. It is the first big sales day after the Christmas holidays and causes each lover to spend an average of 200 euros, or 24 billion dollars in the United States.
In our country, spending is much more modest, around 80€, and is spent mainly on experiences. Now, however, inflation bites off part of the amount and “with the same money we buy fewer things,” says Càrol Rafales. In this environment Rafales, from 11Onze’s product team, adds that “we must be very responsible with our purchases. For this reason, perhaps instead of jewelry a good option is to buy gold pieces, which retain their value and over time allow us to recover it. As Rafales explains in Territori 17: “you can keep an ingot or a coin, and if in the future you have a need, you can recover that value or even make a profit”.
Is it unromantic?
Is it less romantic to give coins or a gold bar than to give jewelry? “It depends,” says Rafales “maybe in a few years you can resell the gold and with the proceeds make the couple’s trip that they can’t afford now.” Gold, is a long-term relationship and is therefore a good way to invest in the couple’s relationship.
If you want to buy gold coins from 220€, you can fill out this form. In 11Onze we celebrate the Amor amb Or.
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
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Gràcies a tu, Joan, per ser-hi i per seguir-nos!!!
No tinc experiència en regals de Sant Valentí, però puc assegurar que 4 adolescents a les quals els Reis els van portar monedes, van posar uns ulls com unes taronges.
Els plans de futur per quan fessin 18 anys, van ser immediats. No van caldre gaires explicacions ni recomanacions.😅
Un braçalet o una cadena d’or no haguera fet pas el mateix efecte.😉
Ens alegrem molt de què el regal tingués èxit Mercè. Gràcies per ser-hi sempre.