We recommend five books for Sant Jordi

The Booksellers’ Guild predicts a record-breaking day for this Diada because there are more book stands than ever before. But among this sea of new books, which ones talk about the economy or address the current economic situation?


Guerra i Pau

Edicions 1984 reissues this classic by Lev Tolstoy, at a time when it could not be more topical. One of the great classics of Russian literature that delves into the great issues of humanity, as current today as Tolstoy’s Russia. It is a key work, with countless rounded and memorable characters. This is the first translation, by Judit Díaz, made directly from the canonical Russian version. Virginia Woolf said that there was no experience of human existence that did not appear in this work and, perhaps, reading these two very long volumes is a good opportunity to see that neither Russia nor the past are as far away as we think.

Source: Edicions 1984



Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, launches a very suggestive idea in this essay: the successor to capitalism is what he calls techno-feudalism. Tecnofeudalismo, unfortunately, can only be found in Spanish in a Deusto edition, nonetheless, it is a remarkable work that follows the star of Shoshana Zuboff’s La era del capitalismo de la vigilancia. Varoufakis’s point is so obvious that no one has ever said it before: we have entered an age of techno-feudalism, where Big Tech appropriate our data, just as feudal lords appropriated the fruit of the land. Understanding this astonishing alteration of the social order is key if we want to work towards a more economically just society. And the way out, as the Remenses would say.

Source: Deusto



Victor Resco de Dios is a professor of forestry engineering at the University of Lleida and has published Ecomitos, with Plataforma Editorial. It analyses the lies about the measures to combat climate change: how can a small percentage of the population pollute so much more than most of the population; are the measures being implemented effective; do they have scientific support or only political support? The fight against climate change is essential, but this book helps us avoid being taken for a ride. The only regret is that despite being a Catalan publisher and a book by a Catalan university professor, there is still no edition in our language.

Source: Plataforma Editorial


L’Alè dels Llaurats

After the good reception of Nascuts per ser Breus Toni Mata publishes the second part of this devastating and bloody dystopia that dissects the selfishness, fallacies and hopelessness of today’s capitalism. In L’Alè dels Llaurats, Mata returns to the Eternal City that captivated young people and won him the Joaquim Ruyra, Protagonista Jove and Menjallibres awards. The Head of Content and Communication at 11Onze offers a new dose of moral dilemmas and extractive economics in this long-awaited second part that explores the limits of dehumanisation.

Source: Grup Enciclopèdia


El refugiat

Maria Barbal, winner of the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes and author of the Joaquim Ruyra Prize for “Pedra de tartera”, presents El refugiat. It tells the story of a squirrel who has to leave the forest where he lives because of a fire and ends up in a new place where he has to win over everyone because no one knows him. At a time when war adventurism and rampant xenophobia coexist, Barbal’s proposal is tremendously appropriate to make children understand that nobody leaves home just because they want to.

Source: Grup 62

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  1. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Gràcies peraquestes recomanacions.💛

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Moltes gràcies a tu, Manel, per ser-hi i per seguir-nos…

      6 months ago

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