And who will attend me at 11Onze?
A fincom for people, made by people. This is one of the pillars of 11Onze and the raison d’être of the community, but how will this idea be implemented? We are speaking to team leader Lara de Castro.
De Castro is one of 11Onze’s team leaders and in this pre-launch phase, she is conducting the client service programme. When asked about the relationship with future clients, her answer is clear: “11Onze clients are our cornerstone. We want our relationship with them to be clean and always based on truth and transparency“. A vision that stems from the palpable client needs of being attended in a personalised way, listened to and advised in an ethical manner that looks after their interests. The aim, so, is that “whoever is a client of 11Onze may know that no information is hidden from them, and that is the most important thing, that they may always find support among the team of agents and also within 11Onze community itself”.
Online operations, proximity service
“Our value proposition is customer-centric, so we will be there whenever we are needed. Our attending hours will be 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,” De Castro explains. A commitment that, beyond the corporate side, becomes a social commitment, as she points out: “Our commitment to the community is very strong. People who need us most will be much closer to us”.
To achieve such mission, they have the best possible ally: technology. “Our customer service is virtual. That is why we define ourselves as a fintech, because we have developed an agile and secure system to respond to all requests virtually and by telephone 24 hours a day. Even so, in the short term, 11Onze will have a physical location, which we will call 11Onze House, where agents and members of the community will meet to chat, discuss projects and offer solutions. There, clients will be able to meet us whenever they need something more specific that requires this face-to-face presence,” explains De Castro.
Accompanying clients to walk together
Since April, through La Plaça, members of 11Onze have been able to meet and visualize everyone who constitute 11Onze. In the next few days, this relationship will intensify and agents will be personally attending our first clients. “Each client will be assigned a main agent and two on-call agents. If clients see agents at La Plaça for whom they have a good feelings and would like them to be their agent, they will also be able to request it. 11Onze is sized to be able to take on this level of personalised attention”, says the team leader.
But she adds that behind 11Onze there are not only agents and that, therefore, “not all the profiles we see in La Plaça will be assisting customers”. “Although our company culture is based on the idea that we are all agents, due to 11Onze’s talent management, former agents are now occupying other positions that are also necessary within the organisation”, she points out.
La Plaça, the community’s epicentre
La Plaça will continue to be 11Onze’s central place, and one of the key communication channels for clients. This space allows them to visualize people who are attending them on the other side of the phone or chat, and to find out what they are like, how they talk or what topics interest them most. “La Plaça recreates the memory of a conventional public square, where people meet to see each other, share, chat or drink a good coffee, while reading the newspaper. At our Plaça this is also what happens, albeit in a virtual way. The Plaça is designed very accurately so that you can find valuable information, new learning in many areas and also interact with our organisation in a direct, face-to-face way”, concludes de Castro.
To find out more about whom the agents are and to discover how was the learning process that led them here, we invite you to revive it through The Academy documentary.
Want an 11Onze account? Order batch in Get in line. With the code we’ll give you, you can open an account on October 1st.
Gràcies per resoldre els nosaltres dubtes!
Tots els Agents estem per ajudar a la Comunitat 11Onze 24/dies! Seguim a La Plaça, Daniela.
Dimecres, dijous, divendres…
Restem a l’espera
Gràcies Ricard.
Si es cumpleix realment l’objectiu: “La relació amb ells volem que sigui neta i basada sempre en la veritat i la transparència”, sens dubte serà un èxit.
Molts ànims, salut i força al canut!
Les ganes i l’aprenentatge constant per fer-ho hi són. Gràcies, David.
Comptant les hores….
Gràcies, Xavier. Sempre és millor informar-vos i ajudar-vos de viva veu.
Tot el que estic veient, m’agrada força. Us desitjo molta sort. Estic parlant molt bé de Onze a les meves amistats. Una forta abraçada.
Gràcies, Jordi. Anirem avançant i cada cop volem que sigui més interessant, però sobretot més útil per les persones de la nostra comunitat. Us anirem informant.
Tant sols tinc un petit o gran dubte, a quins caixes podrem retirar dines de la nostra conte de l’ 11Onze?.
Tota aquesta informació se’t serà explicada a La Plaça, Ramon!
Que lents passen els dies…Tinc moltes ganes de començar!
Ja queda molt poc, Francesc! Estigues atent a La Plaça.
Nomes demano que tingueu paciencia amb mi, perque no soc gaire habil amb internet, i es la primera vegada que em llanço de cap amb vosaltres, per a mi es molt important saber que hi ha algun que m,ajuda, gracies
Esther,jo tampoc soc molt habil ,però espero que poc a poc i smb l’ajuda de tothom podrem tirar endavant
Hola Esther, oi tant que t’ajudarem! Per això estem! Veus el quadrat groc del xat a baix a la dreta, allí sempre hi trobaràs algú de nosaltres per solucionar qualsevol entrebanc. No pateixis i benvinguda!
Ja ti c moltes games de començar
Ja queda poc, Raül. Ens veiem per La Plaça.
Serem a les vostres mans amb total tranquil·litat i confiança 👍
Gràcies Laura!
Treballar amb un banc com 11onze és de gran interès per a mi, però m’agradaria saber si hi haurà ça possibilitat se treure diners en efectiu per caixer, i si aquesta operació comportarà alguna comissió? Gràcies
Josep, estigues atent a les publicacions de La Plaça, aquí et mantindrem informat ben aviat de totes les característiques dels productes!
Molt be , OK
Gràcies, Josep. Ens veiem per La Plaça.
Comptant els dies per tenir El Canut i tenir tracte amb els agents d’11ONZE.
I així podrem constatar la diferencia respecte a la banca tradicional i el tracte que ens donen.
Xavier, si tens qualsevol dubte, estem al xat!
Ara sí que ho tenim a tocar!!. Us expliqueu molt bé. Gràcies
Segur que qui m’atengui serà una persona increïble, que valora el tu a tu tant com tots nosaltres.
Veritat i Transparència, hi confiem, Grâcies Lara!
Sempre! 💛
En alguna situació determinada , es *precisarà d’un contacte directe, hem de suposar que *existira alguna oficina presencial per aquestes situacions determinades
Tindrem un tracte 24/7, de ben segur que ens trobaràs en tots els moments i casos que necessitis!
Anem descobrint com es farà aquesta atenció personalitzada,entenc que en algun moment preguntareu al client si te alguna preferència
Hola Alicia, el client podrà transmetre obertament les seves preferències sense cap problema. El nostre objectiu és facilitar la trobada amb l’agent amb qui més cregui que pot ajudar-lo/a. Gràcies per ser-hi i bona Mercè! 💛