The British press talks about 11Onze and Vinari
“Catalan based fintech start-up 11Onze – a champion of community projects and sustainability – is supporting the festival by becoming its main sponsor.” UK News Group
UK News Group reports on the Vinari awards and the sponsorship of 11Onze, talking to James Sène (founding president) and Natàlia Cugeró (managing director).
“The mission of 11Onze has been clear since its inception. We exist to serve and empower the people of Catalonia, and the Vinari awards is an initiative that celebrates the innovation, hard work and resilience of the wine industry which is recovering from the impact of the pandemic that slowed economic growth in the sector.” said James Séne, Founder, 11Onze.
“Catalonia is a world-class wine region and we are super pleased to support hardworking locals and I believe, like fine wine, our community will mature and grow. At 11Onze, we are all about supporting small and medium businesses. In these tough times, they need community and financial support more than ever. Supporting this world-class wine festival is our way of saying we are here for you and we celebrate your success,” said Natalia Cugueró, CEO, 11Onze, who is the force behind this partnership.
UK News Group
You can read the original news here
Photo: Natalia, CEO 11Onze (Right), delivers VINARI award to the best young white wine: blanc LaFou Els Amelers 2020, de LaFou Celler (DO Terra Alta) Credit: Jordi Play.
Sí senyor donant suport els petits, que quasi sempre tenen els millors vins.
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Rosa Maria!!!
Gràcies, Joan! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
I és que les grans empreses, el que fan és acumular capital, exigir privilegis i explotar ls treballador*s
Totalment d’acord, Lluís. Això s’ha de poder revertir. Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Donar soport a les PIME, de casa nostre, enforteix el nostre teixit empresarial malmès pel nostre botxi i l’entorn actual, gràcies Onze per fer-los costat
Gràcies a tu Guiillem per les teves paraules. Catalunya és terra de pimes i treballadors autònoms. A Onze volem ser una fintech comunitària, la nostre raó de ser és ajudar i treballar per aquesta comunitat, no serà ràpid, però ho anirem fent pas a pas.
Força 11Onze !!
Gràcies, David.
Gràcies, Ricard.
Fantàstic! Seguim👍
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