Emotional management in times of economic crisis

The uncertainty that accompanies economic crises can have serious psychological consequences for the people who are suffering from them. Lara de Castro, from the Human Resources team at 11Onze, gives us some advice on how to maintain our emotional well-being in adverse situations.


All crises are followed by a recovery process, but in recent years we seem to be linking crisis after crisis. Just as we were recovering from the impact of the pandemic, we found ourselves facing a disastrous economic and geopolitical situation that could worsen at any moment and culminate in a recession by the end of the year.

The consequences for our emotional well-being were evident during the confinement, and the economic crisis only adds fuel to the fire of the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression accumulated by a large part of the population. As de Castro points out, “stressful life events can lead to illness for human beings”.

Focusing on the things we can control

Despite the discomfort we may feel, keeping calm and focusing on the aspects of our personal situation that we can improve is key to avoiding the emotional saturation caused by sustained stress over time.

De Castro urges us to reinvent ourselves, “diversify and grow, both personally and professionally“, without forgetting the importance of a good social network “fundamental to relieve stress on a personal level”, surrounding ourselves with people with whom we feel good.

And although it may seem obvious in the face of an economic crisis, planning our savings can avoid unnecessary stress. As de Castro explains, “we must try not to create absurd needs” and remember that “it is not those who have the most who are richest, but those who need the least”.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    No és moment de somnis ens cal anar en compte amb les passes que donem i cap on les dirigim

  3. Carme Dalmau PlanasCarme Dalmau Planas says:

    La frustració és gran quan veus que qui realment mana ,no tenen cap interes per les persones. Suposo que per això la majoria no volen saber realment el que passa.

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Si Carme, compartim la frustració i per això des del millor de les perspectives volem que se sàpiguen les coses i es comenci a veure quines són les filigranes que es teixeixen amb un sol propòsit, sense pensar en les persones. PROU!

      2 years ago
  4. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Exactament calma, anem veient com va anant tot amb la confiança i preparació que l’equip d’onze ens està transmetent, fent efectives les seves recomanacions.

  5. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    El q se’ns ve a sobre, crec q ens sobre pasarà a tots, serà molt bèstia. Si no vaig errat el default d’Espanya serà el 2024, amb el q això comportarà, però aquest hivern ja patirem la crisi energètica. No ens queda un altre q preparar-nos donat q els rics seràn més rics i els pobres més pobres, la clase mitja desapareixerà. El nostre confort i benestar està en risc.

    • Càrol RafalesCàrol Rafales says:

      Bon anàlisis, Manel, tot apunta al que descrius. Val més estar preparats…

      2 years ago
  6. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Calma i res d’ atacs de nervis 👌

    • Càrol RafalesCàrol Rafales says:

      Efectivament, Mercè. Som conscients que és fàcil de dir i més complicat de portar a terme, però ho podem fer!

      2 years ago

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