11Onze mentioned in the international press
Finextra, The Fintech Times and Fintech & Finance, all leading publications in the international fintech community, echo the new micro-documentaries on 11Onze agents published in La Plaça.
“11Onze deploys agents to humanise its banking services”
“Whereas most banks and fintech service providers leave customer interaction limited to AI chatbots, and elusive call centre employees, digital community fintech 11Onze has introduced its well-rounded agents via video clips on La Plaça (11Onze’s private social network). The fly-on-the-wall reality TV-style mini-documentaries follow the agents around, capturing their day-to-day lives, loves, and cares. Agents with varied backgrounds and interests share their views, expertise and show how they think and act, bridging the gap between digital and real-world – offering a human touch to its digital services.
The aim of these micro-documentaries is for 11Onze users to get to know the people in charge of their financial affairs. Stressing the point that these are not some distant people acting as your managers, but members of the same community to which you belong. It’s a commitment to transparency, proximity, and strengthening community ties. An episode will be published every Thursday with the first episode, featuring the head of agents Lara de Castro.”
Fintech & Finance News and Finextra
You can read the original news in English here:
Gràcies, Joan! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
moltes gracies.
Quan es podrà obrir un compte particular?
Ja queda menys. En breu començarem a operar. De moment, atent a les novetats que van apareixent a La Plaça.
Gràcies, Jordi, amb molta feina al davant però amb moltes ganes també.
Gràcies, Josep! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Una idea genial, persones treballant per les persones
És el nostre model, i així seguirem!