Discover MORA: Online Grape Marketplace
As consumers, we are used to new technologies allowing us to buy and sell with a simple click. But we are perhaps less aware of the service that digital tools provide in markets that have been around for thousands of years, as is the case of the grape marketplace.
This summer, the Catalan Wine Cluster, INNOVI, presented the MORA – Mercat Online de Raïm project. The cluster has promoted this digital marketplace with the idea of putting winegrowers and winemakers in contact with each other when buying or selling grapes.
INNOVI has promoted MORA as an online tool that puts winegrowers and winemakers in contact with each other so that they can plan the harvest in the best possible way. The platform is available for mobile phones and PCs.
Grapes without intermediaries
As well as helping to improve grape harvest planning, MORA aims to give visibility to small wineries that find it difficult to find out about the varieties, volumes and characteristics of the vines that are of interest to them for making their product, and it also aims to be a tool to help grape producers who are looking for a buyer. In short, the aim of the tool is to enable a direct connection between supply and demand, to be a meeting point, to be the marketplace where business is done. Once the seller and the buyer come into contact, the purchase and sale transaction is made directly between the two parties, without intermediation. Technology, therefore, will be able to bring buyer and seller together in a direct way, improving profit margins for winegrowers.
A similar project exists in Italy. In 2017, the entrepreneur Francesco Mazzone created the UVA Online platform where he acts as an intermediary between winegrowers, both table grape and wine grape growers.
Innovi offers tutorials on how to use MORA.
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Elimina intermediaris s’hauria de notar en Preu i Qualitat..
Totalment d’acord, Eduard. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari.
Tot això està molt bé, però, i del petit comerç què en farem?
Bon dia Joan, avui en dia la majoria dels comerços siguin petits o grans, tenen pàgina web per tant, eliminant intermediaris els ajudaríem. Tot i que l’important, és donar-los suport 💛
Gràcies, Joan, seguim.
Online molt be 👍
Sí, és una molt bona iniciativa. Gràcies, Josep!
Entenc que elimina intermediaris per tan el cost del producte podrà ser més barat i a mes6tb es una manera de guanyar confiança
Sí, jo penso també que caldria eliminar de la cadena tots aquells intermediaris que no aporten valor. Gràcies, Alícia!